Posted: March 22, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 2 Comments »I can’t stand it anymoar!
First this…
Then this…
And now, this….!?
Is this some sort of contagious disease?
MUST all anime contain some sort of zombified character-scene, or is there an anime out there that doesn’t have a single scene that shouts “I’m too lazy to draw in this character’s face, and the deadline’s coming up, so here’s some shaded junk?”
Oh poo.
Well, this post is here to examine the effectiveness of the zombie disease, aka the “hair and lighting make extreme shadows on face” effect.

Hey look, you can see the eyes!
So this technique is used to express a variety of things…
- Emotional speech time
- “Emotional” speech time
- Seriousness
- Stupidity
- Etc.
The first two instances are essentially the same, only sometimes, it’s just boring, stereotypical, and “not-so-emotional” (take Index 24 or Akikan! 09 for example!).
Zombie faces are a good indicator that the anime just turned serious, seeing as how people normally put their faces down to think/cry/hold in anger (really, it’s not just an anime thing!).
Zombie faces are also a good indicator of stupidity.
As you can see, Kuro and Keita’s stupidity results in zombie faces galore!
Wait, hold on… they don’t even have faces here in the first place!
This must be… ZOMBIE FACE V.2!!
Indeed, there are several other instances of this event occurring, yet…
This occurs when two Zombie Face V.2 characters combine to form one of the background extras that don’t matter… and in this character’s uselessness, full blown zombification occurs!
And going back to the original Zombie face premise, blacked-out faces are good for… well, not much.
They don’t really do much except say “this is an important scene” or “you should take this scene seriously” or “screw this show, taste my Sharpie!”
[…] In it for the Fell- OH JESUS, NOT AGAIN […]
[…] flying across the screen when you’re describing something that has nothing to do with random shadow-face zombies. Oh wait, “the dead are resurrected” …maybe these random zombieface people are […]