The Sideways Shot?

Well, I was watching School Days (I finally got around to starting it >_>), and I was shocked at all of the [what I like to call] sideways shots in the anime.

What I mean:

And et cetera.

Though embarrassing to admit, I often find myself tilting my head sideways to see Katsura and those other less important people the other characters better.

So I was just sitting here, with my head tilted to the right and looking at Katsura when I suddenly thought, “Wait.  What’s the point of these shots?”  …And thus this post was born.  Well, something like that, anyway.

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To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Anime



First Yotsubato, now THIS!?!

Screw Haruhi S2, I’ve got Biribiri!

Flyer from 2ch



Kurokami 10

The fail present in this episode is like eating ice cream in winter in not-so-Greenland.  It’s about the size of Rhode Island.

Now I watched Index 23, Asu no Yoichi 10, and Kurokami 10 just now, and I wanted to make one blog post.  I was going to make one post for all three, but then I watched Kurokami 10.  Jesus.

The failure in the other two episodes doesn’t come anywhere close to this junk.

I apologize to Kurokami fanboys/fangirls (fangirls? For Kurokami?!), but I cannot see how this episode is good.

When the tongue came out, I laughed.
This is probably the best part of the episode, though unintentionally so.

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Clannad ~After Story~ 22: A look at an extraordinary anime’s not-so-extraordinary ending

The fail here is as large as two barns, with random muddy Martians wandering inside, stacked one on top of the other.

Okay, so I’ve been bashing After Story’s ending for a while now (on random blogs and forums), and I just realized that no such post was up on this here blog.  So thus I bring you my negative views of this epic anime’s crappy ending.

Warning: This took me two hours, so my ideas probably get more and more confused toward the end, ’cause I’m beat.

First, an overall summary of what I expected and what I got:

What I wanted: Awesome, epic ending.
What I got: shit.

When it comes down to it, I can’t describe my feelings for this episode any better than that.

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Yotsubato Volumes 6, 7, and 8…

…are finally coming!  Miracles do come true!

After a lifetime of waiting… ;___; (Announced 40 minutes ago)


When Yen Press got the license to volume 6, I was overjoyed.  And now volumes 7 and 8 are coming out~!1  HALLELUJAH!!!!11

I love life.


Now only if April 3rd would see Haruhi Season Two…

P.S.: I’m still waiting on volume two, though ><”