Kurokami 10

The fail present in this episode is like eating ice cream in winter in not-so-Greenland.  It’s about the size of Rhode Island.

Now I watched Index 23, Asu no Yoichi 10, and Kurokami 10 just now, and I wanted to make one blog post.  I was going to make one post for all three, but then I watched Kurokami 10.  Jesus.

The failure in the other two episodes doesn’t come anywhere close to this junk.

I apologize to Kurokami fanboys/fangirls (fangirls? For Kurokami?!), but I cannot see how this episode is good.

When the tongue came out, I laughed.
This is probably the best part of the episode, though unintentionally so.

Wait, what?  Where’d you learn that? 

Oh, woah!  Major TY for asking, Kuro!
Maybe now we’ll learn something useful and profound!

Or maybe… maybe there’s even going to be… an… explanation!?

Well, what can I say?
Kurokami does as Kurokami does.   And by “does,” I mean “fails.”

To think I actually hoped for something while I was watching this thing… ;__;


Thanks, Captain Obvious!
Good job explaining the one thing that didn’t need fifteen minutes of screentime of explanations.

I’m pretty sure that the guys who wrote this script felt that the concept of a “minus root” would be too hard to understand unless it were to be accompagnied by half an episode of “THIS WIMMINZ IS MINUS ROOT AND NO IZZ REWT”

I actually remembered it from episode 2 or so.  I must be a genius, or something!

Great job making everything so predictable…

Well, that was unexpected!
Keita is drained of his Tera, he’s nearly dead, and “Let’s Synchro!”
Disregard ten minutes of Tera-draining!
Screw logic, I have Synchro! 

Now if only Kurokami could make it unexpected and good at the same time!
(‘Kurokami’ and ‘good’ in the same sentence!? GAHHHHHH)

This is arguably the worst voiced over scene this season (or the worst idea for a voicing over).
Basically, it’s HUHGUEGEQRPW{FPELF really FJFJWOFJW bad because it s JR#J##R#R ounds like you’re gargl UHUSQUOSQOD ing and trying to take a dump simultaneously.

Stupid “I’ll just stand here and take the hit” masochist.

Leave your stupid masochistic fetishes in that cave!

Nice misplaced eyes y’got going on there, Kuro!

An actual step up the plotline mountain!

Plus, it’s a shocker!
Really, it was.
Though after sitting through 20 minutes of … *shudder*, I couldn’t find it half as significant or surprising as it probably was meant to be.


This episode sucked. @___@

More importantly, why does Kurokami exist?!

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