Judging an Anime by a Random Picture
Posted: March 20, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment »Just a disclaimer: I’m pretty sick, so this’ll probably be the only post for the weekend, unless I find myself bored and un-sick.
During my period of recuperation (via less exposure to the internet), I will be thinking on my final verdicts for Clannad ~After Story~, that anime that caused so much bawww, and the anime that didn’t feature enough Mikoto To Aru Majutsu no Index.
EDIT: Scratch that. There’s going to be an episode 24 for recapping Clannad? I guess I’ll do my final verdict for that later.
Also, courtesy of Hayate no Gotoku:
Well said, Wataru-kun!
Honestly, I’m kind of sick and tired of people complaining about anime without even watching the series.
It’s okay to bash the series after taking a look, but sometimes bashing a series without giving it a chance is just not a good idea!
I myself bash Kurokami, etc. frequently, but I’m a certified asshole and I’ve had to sit through the episode, so it’s okay.
A slightly modified post:
i beleive is Skip Beat i cannot bring myself to watch this after reading the summery. is it really that good? i mean come on it seems like such a crappy anime idea i mean a singer? what could possibly happen Is this worth watching? everytime i think about just checking the first episode i look at the picture and just thing wow this is so (G@*) (dont want to offend any peeps
) so help me out people did people actually watch this or was it some sick joke that everyone voted high on it
If, by any chance, the person who posted this is reading this post and is offended, please notify me and I’ll type up a fake generic post saying basically the same thing. Otherwise, NO U.
The picture in question in the quote above is this one:
Although I’d have to agree that this picture is pretty nasty (shoujo and me usually don’t go together), it’s no valid reason to say “well, this anime must suck.”
First of all, it’s obviously not a picture from the anime.
Shoujo manga is often < Shoujo anime for me, so I personally wouldn’t base my assumptions around this picture.
It simply shows a girl. We aren’t given any information besides the fact that she looks like a typical guy in a shoujo manga, albeit with cut-off breasts.
The accompanying description is as follows:
Kyoko has devoted her life to Shotaro. When Shotaro came to Tokyo to debut as a singer, she followed him and worked to provide for him. But one day, Kyoko overhears Shota telling his manager that Kyoko means nothing to him. She’s just convenient, a housekeeper. This makes Kyoko furious, and she vows revenge on Shotaro. But Shotaro just laughs at her, saying she won’t be able to touch him because he’s now a popular singer and she’s a nobody. So Kyoko decides to get into showbiz and become even more popular than Shotaro to humiliate him. Unfortunately, Shotaro has destroyed Kyoko’s ability to love, and she discovers that it is a prerequisite for her to debut from her chosen company, LME. The president of LME puts her into a new section made for those who caught his eye but have something missing. It’s name… Love Me Section. On her way to become a pro actress she’s meeting new people like Kanae Kotonami, Maria Takarada, Yukihito Yashiro and the important person in this story – Ren Tsuruga.
Despite the horrifically vague last sentence, this description is quite a precise look into an anime.
Any criticism of a preview like this other than “Holy crap, that last sentence is so vague and disgusting” or something along those lines is probably not very justifiable.
To criticize this preview is basically to criticize the genre. Calling this anime bad because it has a shoujo banner and what sounds like a shoujo storyline doesn’t really work in my book.
I would probably say that this anime (protip: I’ve never watched Skip Beat!, so this should be uninfluenced by actual viewing of the anime) has one vague, shoujoesque description that probably would turn me off. Plus, that image… *shudder* I wouldn’t push this further to describe how it’s a “sick joke” that its reviews/rating is so high. Besides, if it has a high rating, then that at least means that it’s a good shoujo anime, desho?
I cannot believe how some people just take one look at an anime and blow it off. In this case, I can’t believe how some people can take one look at a inaccurate image and bash the anime for having a “G@*” storyline just for veering towards shoujo.
As you may well have noticed by now, this post has almost nothing to do with the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but rather it focuses on something along the lines of “your views aren’t what everybody thinks, meglomaniac!”
I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore (damn you, sickness!), so here’s a parting gift: