Akikan! 10: Walking Through Solid Objects
Posted: March 24, 2009 Filed under: Uncategorized 2 Comments »FAIL-O-METER
Honestly, the worst episode of anime since… well, Kurokami 11 (which I watched yesterday, FYI). The fail here is equivalent to the weight of three elephants three thousand elephants combined.
Oh wow, actually something close to art in Akika-
I guess I spoke too soon…
I’ll try not to bash any more on the art of this episode (there’s quite a lot of other things I want to bash, plus the art thing is getting redundant…), though when watching the episode, it’s obvious how bad the art is.

This episode had some clearly bad animation (hence the title, but I’ll get to that later), but it also sucked in just about everything an episode of anime can possibly suck in.
First, we have the art. Self explanatory.
Next, we have the story.
Since when did an anime like Akikan! need a filler episode?
Plus that Yell fanservice was more like failservice. A filler episode usually entails fanservice, but all I got was … *cringe*
Third, we have the voice acting.
Now, I almost never bash an anime on this, because I simply don’t notice.
But I can’t not pay attention to the voice acting in Akikan!.
Budoko’s voice normally sounds like chalk on a blackboard.
For her to get so much screentime in an episode is hell.
Yell’s voice in this episode is like a sledgehammer on a blackboard.
For her to laugh like that ^ is both creepy and downright nasty, and for her to make weird cat noises is just as bad.
My ears are bleeding.
“Hey loser, why’d you put up two screenshots of the same thing?”
Well, they’re not the same thing.
The same exact set of three books and a cushion (aka reused frames) appears twice as Yell is in digusting mode.
Why? …WHY????
Thank god I don’t have to see your mug in this episode…
Finally, we have the animation. Oh God.
It seems to me that lack of effort or lazy animators are all the rage in anime…
Either that, or I’ve never noticed that walking through doors is a normal thing to do.
Excuse my lack of GIF-making skills/will to learn such skills…
This all reminds me of a certain scene from Minami-ke…
You know, I’ve nothing much more to say about this topic other than “Jesus, that’s some horrible quality…”
Well, I do have one thing:
[…] 25, 2009 by fangzhao FAIL-O-METER This episode was nowhere near the nightmare of episode 10, but it was still horrible. The fail here is equal in size to Eiken boobs, and that’s […]
[…] compared to the walking-through-door incident, this can be considered an example of Akikan!’s not-so-bad animation (and by not-so-bad, I […]